Admission Criteria

St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城根据提交的申请材料的强度录取研究生申请人. 

一些项目可能需要额外的项目特定标准才有资格入学. Visit your program's admission requirements section in the University Catalog before submitting your application. Additionally, some 硕士和博士学位课程要求GRE或GMAT成绩. Graduate certificate programs do not require the GRE.

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GPA Standards



  1. Possess at least an overall 2.75 GPA (4.0 scale) in your previous undergraduate work.
  2. Possess at least an overall 2.75 GPA (4.0 scale) in the last half of your undergraduate work.

具有研究生课程的申请人必须满足上述要求之一,并至少获得总分3分.0 GPA (4.0 scale) in his/her graduate course work.

Post-Master and Doctoral-level

  1. Possess at least an overall 3.0 GPA (4.0 scale) in your graduate course work.

Outside the U.S. and Canada

如果你在美国或加拿大以外的大学或研究生院就读,你的学位必须接受美国签证评估.S. equivalence and GPA conversion to the standard US 4.0 scale. Review the 
Application Instructions 海外成绩单和相关截止日期的资源和要求页面.

Conduct or Disciplinary Actions

St. 云州保留考虑学生行为记录和纪律处分的权利, such as probation, suspension or expulsion from St. Cloud State or from another post-secondary institution, as part of the graduate admission decision process. 申请人可以选择提供或被要求提供有关先前行为的额外信息,并在解决记录在案的行为和研究生阶段成功的潜力后展示他们的学习.

Degree Requirements Master-level, Post-Master & Doctoral-level Education

  • 申请人必须在开始硕士水平课程之前获得并拥有本科学位,在开始硕士或博士水平课程之前获得研究生学位.
  • Degrees earned in the U.S. 必须是从美国地区认证机构认可的机构收到的. There are six regional accreditation bodies:
  • 来自加拿大的学位必须是从获得省级特许授予学位的机构获得的. 一般来说,这些加拿大机构也是澳协的成员.
  • For institutions outside of North America, 学位必须获得所在国教育部的认可.
    • 此外,您的本科学位必须被SCSU接受,相当于美国大学的学位.S. 学士学位和研究生学位必须被SCSU接受,相当于美国大学的学位.S. 研究生学位,如果你想攻读硕士或博士学位.
    • 当成绩单评估机构审查你的国际成绩单时,就会做出决定.

Pathway for International Applicants with 3 Year Degrees

  • 如果你已经完成了3年的学士学位,被评估为相当于三年的本科学习,或者相当于少于120个本科学期学分, 你没有资格被考虑在研究生阶段的全部录取. 
  • 研究生课程将考虑完成三-的学生year baccalaureate degree for provisional admission. 
  • 作为三年制衔接课程的一部分,临时录取要求本科GPA达到2分.75 and IELTS of 6.0 or TOEFL of 68 with no subscores below 16. 如果需要,GRE或GMAT成绩必须在申请时提交.
  • 如果你被临时录取,你将获得本科身份,允许你注册最多30个本科学分,以满足120个本科学期学分的要求. 你不需要在圣. Cloud State. While in undergraduate status, 国际学生需要注册至少12个学分才能获得签证.
  • 临时录取的学生将在研究生课程中被分配一名顾问,他将帮助你确定适当的课程组合,其中可能包括通识教育, English language courses, 并且根据你的指导老师的决定,在本科阶段适当地安排先决条件课程.
  • 临时录取的学生可以在本科学习的第二学期完成0-9学分的500/600研究生水平的课程,并得到导师的批准.
  • Provisionally admitted students must maintain a GPA of 2.75 or higher in all undergraduate coursework at St. Cloud State to remain eligible for full graduate admission. 

Recognition of Veteran Students

Part 1. Purpose. 该政策将退伍军人身份作为评估研究生和专业课程入学申请人的一个因素, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 197.775.

Part 2. Definitions.

Subpart A. Graduate or Professional Programs. 研究生或专业课程是指学士学位后的教育课程,可以获得硕士学位, specialist, 或明尼苏达州立大学提供的博士学位.

Subpart B. Veteran. 退伍军人是指目前或曾经在美国武装部队服役并在光荣条件下退伍的人.

Part 3. Policy. 每一所明尼苏达州立大学应采取一项政策,承认, for applicants who are veterans, 申请人的退伍军人身份是决定是否录取研究生或专业学术学位课程的积极因素.

More Admission Criteria Information

Admission Decisions and Status

Unconditional, provisional, denial – What does it all mean?

Admission Decisions

Language Admission Opportunities



Wait Lists

Getting into programs with high demand.

Wait Lists

Additional Resources

U.S. Department of Education logo
College Scorecard U.S. Department of Education

The U.S. 教育部的大学记分卡汇编了毕业率的数据, tuition, median earning of graduates, and more.

St. C logo
Campus Safety Statement Available for your review

联邦法律要求年度安全和消防报告,其中包含大学的政策声明和犯罪统计数据. The policy statements address the school’s policies, procedures and programs concerning safety and security. 最近三个日历年的统计数据包括了校园内发生的某些类型的犯罪, 在其他大学附属地点和紧邻校园的公共财产上.